
HR Scouting

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HR Scouting – Time for a new approach!

Are you still waiting for an offer from a good employer? Or are you waiting for a head-hunter to contact you? Maybe you are also hoping someone will find your profile in one of the most popular applicant databases and contact you with a great job offer?

Finding your dream job with HR Scouting

Why wait when there are effective, new paths to your dream job? Get to know HR Scouting at CAREERS LOUNGE. With HR Scouting, you don't apply for a standardised job – you present your individual expertise in the best light. Your HR Scout actively approaches your future employer together with you. This provides a completely new path to reach your dream job. You can qualify for HR Scouting with your free registration as a LOUNGIST

Make your success story visible: Find the perfect employee

You present your professional success story in anonymised form in the "Find the perfect employee" section. Without any costs, you can increase your chance from day one that many companies will become aware of you and you will receive an offer for your dream job. Make your success story visible to companies looking for top-notch personalities.

Register as a LOUNGIST and create your personal profile in the CAREERS LOUNGE. Add your professional success story. Let prospective companies know what you are looking for in your next position. Then benefit from HR Scouting in the CAREERS LOUNGE. We assure you absolute discretion and confidentiality. All information that you submit to the CAREERS LOUNGE will only be viewed by us and will not be forwarded to third parties.

Video: How does HR Scouting work?

Do you want to advance your career? Or are you looking for greater job satisfaction? An HR Scout in the CAREERS LOUNGE will help you personally with your next professional step. Benefit from excellent connections to first-class companies.

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Original voice about HR Scouting: Peter Schatz

Peter Schatz found a new management position with Lectra through HR Scouting. After his successful start, he looks back with great satisfaction on the HR Scouting process at CAREERS LOUNGE. Read his review.

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Insider tips for your job interview

Jürgen Bockholdt has been an HR consultant for many years. He knows what questions really matter in job interviews. And he will tell you which answers will put you at the front in the race for an attractive, new position. That is how you convince your preferred employer!

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Business coach Christine Pehl: Success is no coincidence

A good cover letter is a central component of any job application for an open position. But how do you strike the right tone in your application? Business coach Christine Pehl gives valuable tips for your path to a dream job.